2015 – about the beautiful new world (关于美好新世界)

documentary performance

beautiful new world - poster - small

The basis for this documentary theater project are interviews, conveyed by students in with their grandparents. The students ask about the grandparents life, when they were the same age. It was the time of the Cultural Revolution, China was in chaos, society was filled with mistrust. What dreams did the grandparents have back then? How did they imagine Chine to be like in the future, 50 years later?

On stage there are only the students who reenact the grandparents stories. They compare to their lives in the developed China of today and talk about their experiences of understanding national history on such a individual level.

Based on the dreams about China of 50 years ago and today, the theater project makes an attempt to frame the historic development of the republic and its society.

performer: ChenJunjie, HuangXiaoYu, HuangYiping, LiuZhongYuan, LiuXuelin, LongXiaoXian, QiuZhen
director: Matthias Jochmann
dramaturgy: LiYinan
directors assistants: WangAnnie, HuangYiping

critics: about the beautiful new world


  • 26. Juni 2015, Gulouxi Theater Beijing / Nanluoguxiang Festival for Performing Arts
  • 27. Juni 2015, Gulouxi Theater Beijing / Nanluoguxiang Festival for Performing Arts
  • 28. Juni 2015, Gulouxi Theater Beijing / Nanluoguxiang Festival for Performing Arts

made possible by Goethe-Institut China

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