2019 – Medan Soundspectives

‚Medan Soundspectives‘ is a cultural festival that focuses on the art of hearing and the acoustic diversity of Medan. The program consists of various film screenings, exhibitions, workshops, public discussions and music concerts of 20 Medanese bands of various genres – Hip Hop, Classic, Traditional, EDM, Experimental etc. By this multi-dimensional approach I hope to raise the audiences attention for the diversity of Medan, for its sounds and for the importance of listening as the basis for profound communication. As ‚Medan Soundspectives‘ seeks to attract a broad audience it will balance entertainment and education.
For further information please visit

artistic director – Matthias Jochmann
project manager – Rani Jambak

silent movie – Evi Ovtiana, Filza Rezki, Dwiky Perdana, Jundi al Badar Saragih, Irwan Kurniawan Franatha
live music for silent movie – Rani Jambak, Ayu Permatasari Lumbantoruan, Aprindo Nadeak, Ainal Syabri

films by – Alvonius Garrix, Lea Letzel, Stephan Dorn, Hannes Seidl, Daniel Kötter, Joana Bailie, Matthias Jochmann, Koflow, Toke Hong Loong, Matthew Sia, Nada, Brandon Tay, Jakub Maksymov, Janosch Pugnaghi, Dewi Annisa Putri

music performances – MBS All Stars, Filsafatian, Terminal Kuningan, Hello Benji and The Cobra, Jere Fundamental, Soerkam, Iwa feat. Majlis Gambus Sumut, Artcoustic Junior, SMA Sultan Iskandar Muda, OoMax (Mbrace), Komunitas JeDe, Hujan Kata-Kata, Horror Campus, Kultar, Cadenza Music Chamber, Arunika, Bintang Le Bleu, Noor Agha Naseri, Qinia Music, Tri Santy

Workshop Yoga – Lia Farida
Workshop Beatbox – Ari Ridwan

public discussion – Dr. Ketut Wirad, Yono, Syahrial Napitupulu, Ibnu Avena Matondang, Bli Komang, Ira Pane, Dr. Siti Masliana Siregar

live video mapping – Yuri Yoranda Octama
Mural Art – Ebribb, Arman Maulana
Exhibition – Nadyani, Alfat Putra Ibrahim, Graceline Manalu, Moses Tarigan, Muhammad Firmansyah, Rachmad Tarigan, Eirene, Adilla Mara, Arif Rahman Setio, Muhammad Shiddiq, Reggy Nouvan (Kolorman), Dewi Annisa Putri

graphic design – R. M. Pratama Adi Nugraha
design logo – Nadyani
documentation – Ricky Suwanda, Ahmad Hariandy Hrp

Helping Hands – Fadli Rafi, Ivenni Friska Lumban Raja, Muhammad Reza, Lewi Nainggolan, Nurwina Riakmal, Nur Putri Nabila

media partners – Kiss FM, Medan FM, DAAI TV, Kita Kita Medan, Kolorman, Degilzine
sponsored by – Robert Bosch Stiftung, MitOst, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Jakarta
supported by – Universitas Negeri Medan (Fakultas Bahasa den Seni, Produ Pendidkan Bahasa Jerman), Alliance Française Medan, Goethe-Institut